Vipassana Meditation

The Bay Area Vipassana Center offers and supports group sittings and one-day courses for old students in Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka, in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin.

Dhamma Santosa (BAVC) Project Update

A important update regarding the BAVC project to build a Meditation Center, Dhamma Santosa, near Gilroy. The April 25th hearing on our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) before the Santa Clara County Planning Commission has been postponed.

The Santa Clara County Commission Staff has determined that there is no time to prepare for that date due to the voluminous number of comments received regarding the project and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Study Report during the comment period for the report released by Planning Commission Staff on March 1st. The comment period ended April 5th. Most of the messages were in support, but there were seven letters that raised concerns about the project. The comments need to be properly addressed before the project can be rescheduled for a Hearing before the Planning Commission.


There are three centers in California offering residential meditation courses:

Northern California Vipassana Center

California Vipassana Center

Southern California Vipassana Center

Additionally, there are over 175 meditation centers in this tradition located around the world. For details visit:

Events & Sittings

Group sittings, one day courses, special events and board (trust) meetings take place in the bay area regularly. They are open to all old students.

Bay Area Events 

For the latest news, please go here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Establishing a Vipassana Center in the Bay Area

Stay Connected

Contact Us

phone: 408-676-2141
[email protected]